Thomas E Deweese writes:
 > >>>>> "RB" == Rob Browning <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
 > current thinking is that along with the Pilot record-id it should
 > track which fields from BBDB went to what fields in Pilot.  This would
 > allow much more targeted and correct updates.
Why do you want to do this ? If I add a new record from BBDB to the pilot and
subsequently modify the record in pilot, I'd like BBDB to have the updated
information when I sync the next time. Could you please clarify ?

 >     So extending this a little bit, allow multiple pilot record-id's
 > and for each record-id track which bbdb-fields went to which
 > pilot-fields in each record, so name and company might always go to
 > both, but Home (phone and address) went to one record and Work goes to
 > the other.  This 'invisible' linkage of certain fields might cause
 > some problems. Consider a person who consults at multiple companies,
 > you might want the Company name different for each of the Pilot
 > Records but every time you synced it would overwrite the other Company
 > :(.
A simple way to do this is to mimic the Pilot's AB. Have a unique id associated
with each BBDB record (optionally associate each record with a category) and
each BBDB record with a unique id goes to its own Pilot record and store the
Pilot ID and BBDB ID someplace (it could be in the BBDB itself). 

 >     The other real trick is knowing when it would be appropriate to do
 > the split and when not (my current feeling is when there is more than
 > one address).  You could also have it be directed by another BBDB
 > field but then you are starting to accumulate junk in the BBDB record.
This maybe more complicated than at first sight since different folks have
different ideas of when they'd like to split a record.

The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so
certain of themselves, but wiser people so full of doubts. - Bertrand Russell 

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