>>>>> "tkld" == Kevin Davidson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>>>>> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Thomas E Deweese 
><[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Thomas> Is is possible you have a local copy of bbdb-search-simple?

tkld>  No. I've used a fresh Xemacs and added just the BBDB 2.2 lisp
tkld> directory to the load-path. 

    Are you skipping your personal customization files for the test?

tkld> bbdb-search-simple always returns this pair of a record and a
tkld> hash key, which breaks gnus-bbdb and bbdb-pgp.

    The hash key is the last element of the record array not the
second element of the list returned (the list has only one element,
the record).

    What does (bbdb-gethash "thomas e. deweese") return?

It should return a list with one or more records in it.

FYI, I upgraded to 2.2 and I get the following, correct, answer:

(bbdb-search-simple "thomas e. deweese" "[EMAIL PROTECTED]")
["Thomas E." "DeWeese" ("DeWeese Thomas E." "Thomas Deweese") "Eastman Kodak" (["Work" 
716 477 8247 nil] ["Fax" 716 722 7417 nil]) (["Work" "1700 Dewey Av." "" "" 
"Rochester" "NY" ("14650" "1805") "USA"]) ("[EMAIL PROTECTED]" 
"[EMAIL PROTECTED]" "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" "deweese") ((attribution . "TD") 
(category . "Kodak") (creation-date . "1999-04-01") (notes . "Work record for Tom 
DeWeese") (pilot-id . "11797403") (pilot-phone-Fax . "Fax: (716) 722-7417") (timestamp 
. "2000-04-24") (title . "Senior Software Engineer")) ["Thomas E. DeWeese" 
"deweesethomas e.eastman kodak" #<marker at 24309 in bbdb> nil]]

                                                        Thomas DeWeese
                          "The only difference between theory and practice is
                           that in theory there isn't any." -- unknown

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