Okay, I've identified the exact set of circumstances in which this bug
occurs, and it /is/ still present in 6.81. Here's the dirt:

1. You need to be using BBDB with bbdb-use-pop-up set to t. This makes
   BBDB try to pop up a window with details for the current message.
2. You need to have your vm.windows file not allocate space for BBDB
   by default. This may be my problem, actually.
3. You need to have a summary/preview setup. I've been doing this so
   long that I don't really know what settings govern it, but the list
   of VM settings is below.
4. In my particular setup, there's 9 lines of summary and the rest of
   the window is preview. BBDB pops up in the bottom of the preview
   window, taking 4 lines.
5. This is the clincher: the message currently visible at the bottom
   of the summary window has to have a BBDB entry.

What happens? You press 'n' (or 'd', actually) while on the last
message; the preview window updates to show the next message, the
pointer moves to the next message, but the summary buffer DOES NOT
scroll, and the cursor in the summary buffer ends up back on line 5 of
the summary window.

I'm not quite sure where the bug is; I honestly don't think it's in
the BBDB code, which is pretty simplistic. I'm vaguely inclined to go
digging in VM's window-handling code, because I think my deleting the
BBDB buffer from the default window layout made this problem occur
frequently enough that I actually set about finding out the
circumstances. Kyle, I'd really appreciate if you could at least point
me in the right direction on debugging this one, since I've had very
little luck tracking it so far (running "debug-on-entry" makes the bug
go away, because hey, you've just reconfigured the window layout!)


Emacs  : GNU Emacs 20.7.1 (i386-redhat-linux-gnu, X toolkit)
 of Tue Jun 13 2000 on porky.devel.redhat.com
Package: VM 6.81

current state:
 vm-arrived-message-hook nil
 vm-arrived-messages-hook nil
 vm-auto-center-summary nil
 vm-auto-decode-mime-messages t
 vm-auto-displayed-mime-content-type-exceptions nil
 vm-auto-displayed-mime-content-types '("text" "multipart")
 vm-auto-folder-case-fold-search t
 vm-auto-get-new-mail t
 vm-auto-next-message t
 vm-berkeley-mail-compatibility nil
 vm-check-folder-types t
 vm-circular-folders t
 vm-confirm-new-folders nil
 vm-confirm-quit 0
 vm-convert-folder-types t
 vm-crash-box "~/INBOX.CRASH"
 vm-crash-box-suffix nil
 vm-default-From_-folder-type 'From_
 vm-default-folder-type 'From_
 vm-delete-after-archiving nil
 vm-delete-after-bursting nil
 vm-delete-after-saving t
 vm-delete-empty-folders t
 vm-digest-burst-type "guess"
 vm-digest-identifier-header-format "X-Digest: %s\n"
 vm-digest-center-preamble t
 vm-digest-preamble-format "\"%s\" (%F)"
 vm-digest-send-type "mime"
 vm-display-buffer-hook nil
 vm-display-using-mime t
 vm-edit-message-hook nil
 vm-edit-message-mode 'text-mode
 vm-fill-paragraphs-containing-long-lines 79
 vm-flush-interval 90
 vm-folder-directory "~/Mail/"
 vm-folder-read-only nil
 vm-follow-summary-cursor t
 vm-forward-message-hook '(vm-multdom-forward-set-recipient-address)
 vm-forwarded-headers '("From:" "To:" "Cc:" "Subject:" "Date")
 vm-forwarding-digest-type "mime"
 vm-forwarding-subject-format "FW: %s"
 vm-frame-parameter-alist nil
 vm-frame-per-completion nil
 vm-frame-per-composition nil
 vm-frame-per-edit nil
 vm-frame-per-folder nil
 vm-frame-per-help nil
 vm-frame-per-summary nil
 vm-highlight-url-face 'url-highlight-face
 vm-highlighted-header-regexp nil
 vm-honor-page-delimiters t
 vm-image-directory "/usr/share/emacs/20.7/etc/vm/"
 vm-imap-bytes-per-session nil
 vm-imap-expunge-after-retrieving t
 vm-imap-max-message-size nil
 vm-imap-messages-per-session nil
 vm-imap-session-preauth-hook nil
 vm-in-reply-to-format "%i"
 vm-included-text-attribution-format "On %m %d, %f said:\n"
 vm-included-text-discard-header-regexp nil
 vm-included-text-headers nil
 vm-included-text-prefix "> "
 vm-index-file-suffix ".idx"
 vm-init-file "~/.vm"
 vm-infer-mime-types t
 vm-invisible-header-regexp nil
 vm-jump-to-new-messages t
 vm-jump-to-unread-messages t
 vm-keep-crash-boxes t
 vm-keep-sent-messages nil
 vm-mail-header-from "Ronan Waide <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>"
 vm-mail-header-insert-date t
 vm-mail-header-insert-message-id t
 vm-mail-hook nil
 vm-make-crash-box-name nil
 vm-make-spool-file-name nil
 vm-mail-check-interval nil
 vm-mail-mode-hook '(vm-hide-references-hook my-mail-keys)
 vm-mail-send-hook nil
 vm-mime-7bit-composition-charset "us-ascii"
 vm-mime-8bit-composition-charset "iso-8859-1"
 vm-mime-8bit-text-transfer-encoding 'quoted-printable
 vm-mime-alternative-select-method 'best-internal
 vm-mime-attachment-auto-type-alist '(("\\.html?$" . "text/html")
                                      ("\\.pcx$" . "image/pcx")
                                      ("\\.gif$" . "image/gif")
                                      ("\\.jpe?g$" . "image/jpeg")
                                      ("\\.url$" . "application/x-url")
                                      ("\\.doc$" . "application/msword"))
 vm-mime-attachment-save-directory "~/tmp/"
 vm-mime-avoid-folding-content-type t
 vm-mime-base64-decoder-program "/home/waider/bin/base64-decode"
 vm-mime-base64-decoder-switches nil
 vm-mime-base64-encoder-program "/home/waider/bin/base64-encode"
 vm-mime-base64-encoder-switches nil
 vm-mime-button-face 'gui-button-face
 vm-mime-button-format-alist '(("text" . "%-35.35(%d, %c%) [%k to %a]")
                               ("multipart/alternative" .
                                "%-35.35(%d%) [%k to %a]")
                               ("multipart/digest" .
                                "%-35.35(%d, %n message%s%) [%k to %a]")
                               ("multipart" .
                                "%-35.35(%d, %n part%s%) [%k to %a]")
                               ("message/partial" .
                                "%-35.35(%d, part %N (of %T)%) [%k to %a]")
                               ("message/external-body" .
                                "%-35.35(%d%) [%k to %a (%x)]")
                               ("message" . "%-35.35(%d%) [%k to %a]")
                               ("audio" . "%-35.35(%d%) [%k to %a]")
                               ("video" . "%-35.35(%d%) [%k to %a]")
                               ("image" . "%-35.35(%d%) [%k to %a]")
                               ("application/octet-stream" .
                                "%-35.35(%d, %f%) [%k to %a]")
 vm-mime-charset-font-alist '(("iso-2022-jp"
                              ("koi8-r" "-*-*-*-*-*-*-15-140-*-*-*-90-koi8-r")
 vm-mime-confirm-delete t
 vm-mime-decode-for-preview t
 vm-mime-default-face-charset-exceptions nil
 vm-mime-default-face-charsets '("us-acsii" "8859-1" "IBM850" "windows-1251"
                                 "windows-1257" "utf-8" "utf-7" "UNKNOWN-8BIT"
                                 "x-user-defined" "X-UNKNOWN" "us-ascii")
 vm-mime-delete-after-saving nil
 vm-mime-delete-viewer-processes t
 vm-mime-digest-discard-header-regexp nil
 vm-mime-digest-headers '("Resent-" "From:" "Sender:" "To:" "Cc:" "Subject:"
                          "Date:" "Message-ID:" "Keywords:" "MIME-Version:"
 vm-mime-display-function nil
 vm-mime-external-content-types-alist '(("image" "xloadimage")
                                        ("application/pdf" "xpdf" "-remote"
                                         "(cd tmp; hexbin -a %f)")
 vm-mime-ignore-mime-version t
 vm-mime-internal-content-type-exceptions '("text/html")
 vm-mime-internal-content-types t
 vm-mime-max-message-size nil
 vm-mime-qp-decoder-program "/home/waider/bin/qp-decode"
 vm-mime-qp-decoder-switches nil
 vm-mime-qp-encoder-program "/home/waider/bin/qp-encode"
 vm-mime-qp-encoder-switches nil
 vm-mime-type-converter-alist '(("application/x-url"
                                 "application/octet-stream" "fetchurl")
                                ("text/html" "text/plain" "dumphtml")
                                ("application/msword" "text/plain" "catdoc")
                                ("application/ms-tnef" "text/plain" "tnef"))
 vm-mime-uuencode-decoder-program "uudecode"
 vm-mime-uuencode-decoder-switches nil
 vm-mode-hook nil
 vm-mode-hooks nil
 vm-mosaic-program "Mosaic"
 vm-mosaic-program-switches nil
 vm-move-after-deleting t
 vm-move-after-undeleting t
 vm-move-after-killing t
 vm-move-messages-physically nil
 vm-movemail-program "movemail"
 vm-mutable-frames t
 vm-mutable-windows t
 vm-netscape-program "netscape"
 vm-netscape-program-switches nil
 vm-paragraph-fill-column 70
 vm-pop-bytes-per-session nil
 vm-pop-expunge-after-retrieving nil
 vm-pop-max-message-size nil
 vm-pop-messages-per-session nil
 vm-pop-md5-program "md5"
 vm-popup-menu-on-mouse-3 t
 vm-preferences-file "~/.vm.preferences"
 vm-preview-lines nil
 vm-preview-read-messages t
 vm-primary-inbox "~/Mail/mbox"
 vm-quit-hook '(maybe-save-buffers)
 vm-recognize-imap-maildrops "^imap:[^:]+:[^:]+:[^:]+:[^:]+:[^:]+:[^:]+"
 vm-recognize-pop-maildrops "^[^:]+:[^:]+:[^:]+:[^:]+:[^:]+"
 vm-reply-hook '(vm-multdom-reply-set-recipient-address)
 vm-reply-ignored-reply-tos nil
 vm-reply-subject-prefix "Re: "
 vm-resend-bounced-discard-header-regexp nil
 vm-resend-bounced-headers '("MIME-Version:" "Content-" "From:" "Sender:"
                             "Reply-To:" "To:" "Cc:" "Subject:" "Newsgroups:"
                             "In-Reply-To:" "References:" "Keywords:" "X-")
 vm-resend-bounced-message-hook nil
 vm-resend-discard-header-regexp "\\(\\(X400-\\)?Received:\\|Resent-\\)"
 vm-resend-headers nil
 vm-resend-message-hook nil
 vm-retrieved-spooled-mail-hook nil
 vm-rfc1153-digest-discard-header-regexp "\\(X400-\\)?Received:"
 vm-rfc1153-digest-headers '("Resent-" "Date:" "From:" "Sender:" "To:" "Cc:"
                             "Subject:" "Message-ID:" "Keywords:")
 vm-rfc934-digest-discard-header-regexp nil
 vm-rfc934-digest-headers '("Resent-" "From:" "Sender:" "To:" "Cc:" "Subject:"
                            "Date:" "Message-ID:" "Keywords:")
 vm-search-using-regexps nil
 vm-select-message-hook '(bbdb/vm-pop-up-bbdb-buffer)
 vm-select-new-message-hook nil
 vm-select-unread-message-hook nil
 vm-send-digest-hook nil
 vm-send-using-mime t
 vm-skip-deleted-messages t
 vm-skip-read-messages nil
 vm-spool-file-suffixes nil
 vm-spooled-mail-waiting-hook nil
 vm-startup-with-summary t
 vm-strip-reply-headers nil
 vm-subject-significant-chars nil
 vm-summary-format "%n %*%a %-17.17F %-3.3m %2d %4l/%-5c %I\"%s\"\n"
 vm-summary-highlight-face 'bold
 vm-summary-mode-hook nil
 vm-summary-mode-hooks nil
 vm-summary-redo-hook nil
 vm-summary-show-threads nil
 vm-summary-thread-indent-level 2
 vm-summary-uninteresting-senders-arrow "To: "
 vm-tale-is-an-idiot nil
 vm-temp-file-directory "/tmp"
 vm-thread-using-subject t
 vm-toolbar-pixmap-directory "/usr/share/emacs/20.7/etc/vm/"
 vm-trust-From_-with-Content-Length nil
 vm-undisplay-buffer-hook nil
 vm-unforwarded-header-regexp nil
 vm-url-browser 'vm-mouse-send-url-to-netscape
 vm-url-search-limit 12000
 vm-use-menus '(folder motion send mark label sort virtual undo dispose emacs
                nil help)
 vm-use-toolbar '(next previous delete/undelete autofile file reply compose
                  print visit quit nil help)
 vm-virtual-folder-alist '(("bbdb"
                             (author "waider\\|ronan.waide"))
 vm-virtual-mirror t
 vm-visible-headers '("Resent-" "From:" "Sender:" "To:" "Apparently-To:" "Cc:"
                      "Subject:" "Date:")
 vm-visit-folder-hook nil
 vm-visit-when-saving 0
 vm-warp-mouse-to-new-frame nil
 vm-window-configuration-file "~/.vm.windows"
 features '(reporter vm-digest electric debug pp sort mail-extr gnus-async
            gnus-kill gnus-art browse-url gnus-score score-mode gnus-sum
            nndraft nnmh gnus-cache gnus-group gnus-undo nnmail bbdb-gnus
            gnus-start gnus-range gnus-spec gnus-int gnus-win gnus gnus-mule
            nntp nnoo gnus-ems gnus-util message mailabbrev nnheader
            mailheader mail-utils vm-virtual view vm-search vm-macro vm-save
            vm-sort vm-delete vm-undo vm-minibuf vm-pop bbdb-hooks vm-page
            vm-mime vm-summary tapestry vm-motion vm-folder vm-misc
            vm-easymenu vm-menu vm-mouse vm-window vm-complain vm-reply
            vm-multdom fmailutils sendmail vm-message vm-hacks bbdb-vm
            bbdb-snarf vm-autoload vm-vars vm-startup vm-version vm eldoc
            cus-face timer time mailcrypt itimer rfc822 easymenu
            bbdb-autoloads bbdb-com bbdb timezone ange-ftp backquote comint
            ring env gnuserv-compat gnuserv devices advice advice-preload
            mini-cl cl cl-19 fontset disp-table ediff-hook vc-hooks
            lisp-float-type lisp-mode page menu-bar select scroll-bar mouse
            facemenu faces frame romanian slovak czech slovenian case-table
            base64 format mule custom widget x-toolkit)
[EMAIL PROTECTED] / Yes, it /is/ very personal of me.

I really need to reinstate the witty comments, dammit.

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