As I discovered last week, mh-e and bbdb-use-pop-up don't play well
together.  I've chased down seven mh-e routines with trouble, and a
defadvice for them (the same one in all cases).  Together these seem
to make everything work.  Should(n't) these be added to bbdb-mhe.el?

Since the advice is identical in all cases, I'll just list the
functions and one copy of the advice - just clone it and substitute a
different function name in for each function to be advised.  The list
of functions I've advised is:

        mh-toggle-showing mh-visit-folder mh-previous-undeleted-msg
        mh-next-undeleted-msg mh-delete-msg mh-reply mh-forward

A representative bit of advice is:

    (defadvice mh-toggle-showing (before mh-bbdb-toggle act)
      "Turn off bbdb pop up window before the command.  Used for commands
    that (a) get confused by otherwindowness, and (b) will trigger a
    re-pop-up when they're done."
      (if (and mh-showing bbdb-use-pop-up)
          (delete-windows-on bbdb-buffer-name t)))

Jack Repenning                M/S 1-875      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Silicon Graphics, Inc.         x3-3027      Off:(415) 390-3027
Visual Magic Division                       Fax:(415) 390-6056

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