
        I the next release of BBDB would it be possible to add support for
the Australian Post Code system.

        In Australia, all postcodes are 4 digits, so line 331 of bbdb-com.el
I believe should be conditional on North American Location, as should line 504
of bbdb.el

Thanks in advance

Peter Bray: Software Engineering Research Group       Phone : (02) 385 5318
            Computer Science & Engineering            Fax   : (02) 313 7987
            The University of New South Wales         Email : Peter.Bray
            Sydney NSW 2052 AUSTRALIA        
        And for the record, Australian phone number are currently of the
form :
                        (0d) ddd dddd    or   (0dd) dd dddd

which is currently ( over the next 5 years ) being converted to a single
standard form of :
                        (0d) dddddddd

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