On Monday, February 5 2001 23:51:15, Patrick Campbell-Preston wrote:
> I've found a serious bug in BBDB version 2.2 ($Date: 2001/01/24
> 23:14:00 $) - it seems to be getting completion wrong.  Using either a
> version 5 or version 6 database with the following single entry:
> foo fum
>             net: foo@baz, oldfoo@bar
>       timestamp: 05 Feb 2001
> and bbdb-completion-type set to primary-or-name, if I start to compose
> a message to `foo' and then hit ESC TAB (once!) to invoke
> bbdb-complete-name, the name expands to
> foo fum <oldfoo@bar>
I am not able to reproduce this with the current CVS
version.  Is there anyone else using the current CVS
version who is able to reproduce this? 

Bye Robert

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