On 13 Feb 2001, Kai [iso-8859-1] Großjohann wrote:

> On 13 Feb 2001, John Hunter wrote:
> > (define-key global-map "\C-c\C-g" (lambda () 
> >                                   (interactive) 
> >                               (gnus-group-get-new-news 1)))
> > 
> > This works great *unless* I have a *BBDB* buffer created in which I
> > have not run 'M-x bbdb-bury-buffer', ie 'q'.
> I wonder whether `C-g' is causing this problem.  Can you move the
> binding to `C-c g', say, and see if the problem goes away?
> `C-g' normally quits, and who knows what strange effects this might
> have.

Besides, C-g letter is reserved for personalized key bindings, but C-g
C-letter isn't, so this change is a good thing regardless.


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