Grabbing yesterdays snapshot (BBDB version 2.3 ($Date: 2001/02/19
23:10:27 $)), I decided to take another chance at make.bat.

My major problem is that the info file isn't generated.  This can be
reproduced, so I'll try to look further into it.  Any suggestions are

I also removed the "obvious" errors from the log, so if any more
knowledgeable person can look into it, and see if the remaining ones are
true errors.


@echo off

rem Written by Yair Friedman ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
rem Based upon the gnus make.bat by David Charlap ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
rem There are two possible problems with this batch file.  The emacs.bat batch
rem file may not exist in all distributions.  It is part of the GNU build of
rem Emacs 20.4 (  If you
rem install BBDB with some other build, you may have to replace calls to
rem %1\emacs.bat with something else.
rem Also, the emacs.bat file that comes with Emacs does not accept more than 9
rem parameters, so the attempts to compile the .texi files will fail.  To
rem fix that (at least on NT.  I don't know about Win95), the following
rem change should be made to emacs.bat:
rem     %emacs_dir%\bin\emacs.exe %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9
rem should become
rem     %emacs_dir%\bin\emacs.exe %*
rem which will allow the batch file to accept an unlimited number of
rem parameters.

rem For the meaning of these look at the Makefile.
rem Notice that you have to double any backslashes in the path.
set GNUSDIR=D:\\Yair\\emacs\\gnus
set VMDIR=
rem give it any value if you want to use rmail with bbdb
set RMAIL=
rem This is where you bbdb lisp is going
set BBDBDIR=D:\\Yair\\emacs\\bbdb\\lisp

rem Clear PWD so emacs doesn't get confused
set PWD=

if "%1" == "" goto usage

rem Emacs 20.7 no longer includes emacs.bat. Use emacs.exe if the batch file is
rem not present -- this also fixes the problem about too many parameters on Win9x.
set emacs=emacs.exe
if exist %1\bin\emacs.bat set emacs=emacs.bat

set VM=-eval "(progn (if (not (string-match \"%VMDIR%\" \"\")) (setq load-path (cons 
\"%VMDIR%\" load-path))) (if (load \"vm-version\" t) (cond ((> (string-to-number 
vm-version) 5.31) (load \"vm\")) (t (load \"vm-vars\") (load \"vm\")))))"
set GNUS=-eval "(if (not (string-match \"%GNUSDIR%\" \"\")) (setq load-path (cons 
\"%GNUSDIR%\" load-path)))"
set MHE=-eval "(progn (if (not (string-match \"%MHEDIR%\" \"\")) (setq load-path (cons 
\"%MHEDIR%\" load-path))) (load \"mh-e\"))"
set PUSHPATH=-eval "(setq load-path (delete \"\" (append (list \".\" \"%OTHERDIRS%\") 

cd lisp

call %1\bin\%emacs% -batch -q -no-site-file -f batch-byte-compile ./bbdb.el
call %1\bin\%emacs% -batch -q -no-site-file %PUSHPATH% -l ./bbdb.elc -f 
batch-byte-compile bbdb-com.el bbdb-hooks.el bbdb-print.el bbdb-ftp.el bbdb-whois.el 
bbdb-srv.el bbdb-reportmail.el bbdb-snarf.el bbdb-w3.el bbdb-sc.el bbdb-merge.el 
bbdb-migrate.el bbdb-gui.el

if "%RMAIL%" == "" goto afterrmail
call %1\bin\%emacs% -batch -q -no-site-file %PUSHPATH% -l ./bbdb.elc -f 
batch-byte-compile bbdb-rmail.el
if "%GNUSDIR%" == "" goto aftergnus
call %1\bin\%emacs% -batch -q -no-site-file %PUSHPATH% -l ./bbdb.elc %GNUS% -f 
batch-byte-compile bbdb-gnus.el
if "%VMDIR%" == "" goto aftervm
call %1\bin\%emacs% -batch -q -no-site-file %PUSHPATH% -l ./bbdb.elc %VM% -f 
batch-byte-compile bbdb-vm.el
if "%MHEDIR%" == "" goto aftermhe
call %1\bin\%emacs% -batch -q -no-site-file %PUSHPATH% -l ./bbdb.elc %MHE% -f 
batch-byte-compile bbdb-mhe.el

echo >bbdb-autoloads.el
echo (provide 'bbdb-autoloads)>>bbdb-autoloads.el
call %1\bin\%emacs% -batch -q -no-site-file -l autoload -eval "(setq 
generated-autoload-file \"%BBDBDIR%\\bbdb-autoloads.el\")" -eval "(setq 
make-backup-files nil)" -eval "(setq autoload-package-name \"bbdb\")" -f 
batch-update-autoloads %BBDBDIR%
call %1\bin\%emacs% -batch -q -no-site-file -f batch-byte-compile bbdb-autoloads.el

if not "%2" == "copy" goto info
attrib -r %1\lisp\bbdb\*
copy *.el* %1\lisp\bbdb

set EMACSINFOHACK="(while (re-search-forward \"@\\(end \\)?ifnottex\" nil t) 
(replace-match \"\"))"
cd ..\texinfo
call %1\bin\%emacs% -batch -q -no-site-file bbdb.texinfo -eval %EMACSINFOHACK% -eval 
"(setq max-lisp-eval-depth 600)" -f texinfo-every-node-update -f texinfo-format-buffer 
-f save-buffer
if not "%2" == "copy" goto done
copy %1\info

cd ..
goto end

echo Usage: make :emacs-dir: [copy]
echo where: :emacs-dir: is the directory you installed emacs in
echo                    eg. d:\emacs\20.4
echo        copy indicates that the compiled files should be copied to your
echo             emacs lisp, info, and etc directories

rem Restore PWD so whoever called this batch file doesn't get confused
D:\YAIR\emacs\bbdb>make D:\emacs-20.6
make D:\emacs-20.6
While compiling the end of the data in file d:/YAIR/emacs/bbdb/lisp/bbdb.el:
  ** The following functions are not known to be defined: caddr,
Wrote d:/YAIR/emacs/bbdb/lisp/bbdb.elc
While compiling bbdb-complete-name in file d:/YAIR/emacs/bbdb/lisp/bbdb-com.el:
  ** auto-fill-hook is an obsolete variable; use auto-fill-function instead.
  ** reference to free variable auto-fill-hook
While compiling bbdb-dial-number:
  ** reference to free variable bbdb-sound-volume
While compiling the end of the data:
  ** The following functions are not known to be defined: display-error,
    mh-send, vm-session-initialization, vm-mail-internal,
    bbdb-header-start, bbdb-extract-field-value, extent-string,
    bbdb-extract-address-components, mail-abbrev-expand-hook,
    play-sound, next-event, Info-goto-node
Wrote d:/YAIR/emacs/bbdb/lisp/bbdb-com.elc
Wrote d:/YAIR/emacs/bbdb/lisp/bbdb-hooks.elc
Wrote d:/YAIR/emacs/bbdb/lisp/bbdb-print.elc
Wrote d:/YAIR/emacs/bbdb/lisp/bbdb-ftp.elc
While compiling bbdb-whois in file d:/YAIR/emacs/bbdb/lisp/bbdb-whois.el:
  ** reference to free variable bbdb-whois-name
While compiling bbdb-whois-sentinel:
  ** reference to free variable bbdb-whois-record
  ** reference to free variable bbdb-whois-name
Wrote d:/YAIR/emacs/bbdb/lisp/bbdb-whois.elc
While compiling the end of the data in file d:/YAIR/emacs/bbdb/lisp/bbdb-snarf.el:
  ** The following functions are not known to be defined:
    replace-regexp-in-string, replace-in-string
Wrote d:/YAIR/emacs/bbdb/lisp/bbdb-snarf.elc
Wrote d:/YAIR/emacs/bbdb/lisp/bbdb-w3.elc
While compiling bbdb-insinuate-sc in file d:/YAIR/emacs/bbdb/lisp/bbdb-sc.el:
  ** reference to free variable attribution
Wrote d:/YAIR/emacs/bbdb/lisp/bbdb-sc.elc
Wrote d:/YAIR/emacs/bbdb/lisp/bbdb-merge.elc
While compiling bbdb-unmigrate-zip-codes-to-strings in file 
  ** reference to free variable string
Wrote d:/YAIR/emacs/bbdb/lisp/bbdb-migrate.elc
While compiling bbdb-fontify-buffer in file d:/YAIR/emacs/bbdb/lisp/bbdb-gui.el:
  ** reference to free variable scrollbar-height
While compiling bbdb-hack-x-face:
  ** reference to free variable highlight-headers-hack-x-face-p
While compiling the end of the data:
  ** The following functions are not known to be defined: bbdb-find-face,
    mapcar-extents, extent-property, bbdb-set-extent-property,
    set-specifier, bbdb-extent-property, bbdb-delete-extent,
    bbdb-list-extents, bbdb-make-extent, bbdb-set-extent-face,
    find-face, make-glyph, set-glyph-face,
    bbdb-set-extent-begin-glyph, highlight-headers-x-face,
    bbdb-set-extent-end-glyph, highlight-headers-x-face-to-pixmap,
    bbdb-extent-start-position, bbdb-extent-end-position,
    bbdb-desc-to-menu, bbdb-popup, bbdb-extent-at,
    bbdb-highlight-extent, bbdb-extent-face
Wrote d:/YAIR/emacs/bbdb/lisp/bbdb-gui.elc
Wrote d:/YAIR/emacs/bbdb/lisp/bbdb-gnus.elc
Generating autoloads for d:/Yair//emacs//bbdb//lisp/bbdb-com.el...
Generating autoloads for d:/Yair//emacs//bbdb//lisp/bbdb-com.el...done
Generating autoloads for d:/Yair//emacs//bbdb//lisp/bbdb-ftp.el...
Generating autoloads for d:/Yair//emacs//bbdb//lisp/bbdb-ftp.el...done
Generating autoloads for d:/Yair//emacs//bbdb//lisp/bbdb-gnus.el...
Generating autoloads for d:/Yair//emacs//bbdb//lisp/bbdb-gnus.el...done
Generating autoloads for d:/Yair//emacs//bbdb//lisp/bbdb-gui.el...
Generating autoloads for d:/Yair//emacs//bbdb//lisp/bbdb-gui.el...done
Generating autoloads for d:/Yair//emacs//bbdb//lisp/bbdb-hooks.el...
Generating autoloads for d:/Yair//emacs//bbdb//lisp/bbdb-hooks.el...done
Generating autoloads for d:/Yair//emacs//bbdb//lisp/bbdb-merge.el...
Generating autoloads for d:/Yair//emacs//bbdb//lisp/bbdb-merge.el...done
Generating autoloads for d:/Yair//emacs//bbdb//lisp/bbdb-mhe.el...
Generating autoloads for d:/Yair//emacs//bbdb//lisp/bbdb-mhe.el...done
Generating autoloads for d:/Yair//emacs//bbdb//lisp/bbdb-migrate.el...
Generating autoloads for d:/Yair//emacs//bbdb//lisp/bbdb-migrate.el...done
Generating autoloads for d:/Yair//emacs//bbdb//lisp/bbdb-print.el...
Generating autoloads for d:/Yair//emacs//bbdb//lisp/bbdb-print.el...done
Generating autoloads for d:/Yair//emacs//bbdb//lisp/bbdb-reportmail.el...
Generating autoloads for d:/Yair//emacs//bbdb//lisp/bbdb-reportmail.el...done
Generating autoloads for d:/Yair//emacs//bbdb//lisp/bbdb-rmail.el...
Generating autoloads for d:/Yair//emacs//bbdb//lisp/bbdb-rmail.el...done
Generating autoloads for d:/Yair//emacs//bbdb//lisp/bbdb-sc.el...
Generating autoloads for d:/Yair//emacs//bbdb//lisp/bbdb-sc.el...done
Generating autoloads for d:/Yair//emacs//bbdb//lisp/bbdb-snarf.el...
Generating autoloads for d:/Yair//emacs//bbdb//lisp/bbdb-snarf.el...done
Generating autoloads for d:/Yair//emacs//bbdb//lisp/bbdb-srv.el...
Generating autoloads for d:/Yair//emacs//bbdb//lisp/bbdb-srv.el...done
Generating autoloads for d:/Yair//emacs//bbdb//lisp/bbdb-vm.el...
Generating autoloads for d:/Yair//emacs//bbdb//lisp/bbdb-vm.el...done
Generating autoloads for d:/Yair//emacs//bbdb//lisp/bbdb-w3.el...
Generating autoloads for d:/Yair//emacs//bbdb//lisp/bbdb-w3.el...done
Generating autoloads for d:/Yair//emacs//bbdb//lisp/bbdb-whois.el...
Generating autoloads for d:/Yair//emacs//bbdb//lisp/bbdb-whois.el...done
Generating autoloads for d:/Yair//emacs//bbdb//lisp/bbdb-xemacs.el...
Generating autoloads for d:/Yair//emacs//bbdb//lisp/bbdb-xemacs.el...done
Generating autoloads for d:/Yair//emacs//bbdb//lisp/bbdb.el...
Generating autoloads for d:/Yair//emacs//bbdb//lisp/bbdb.el...done
Wrote d:/Yair/emacs/bbdb/lisp/bbdb-autoloads.el
Wrote d:/YAIR/emacs/bbdb/lisp/bbdb-autoloads.elc
Updating node: Top ... 
Updating node: Installation ... 
Updating node: General Prerequisites ... 
Updating node: Normal User ... 
Updating node: XEmacs Package ... 
Updating node: Initial Configuration ... 
Updating node: Gnus Prep ... 
Updating node: MH-E Prep ... 
Updating node: RMAIL Prep ... 
Updating node: Sendmail Prep ... 
Updating node: VM Prep ... 
Updating node: Message Prep ... 
Updating node: Reportmail Prep ... 
Updating node: Supercite Prep ... 
Updating node: Web Browser Prep ... 
Updating node: The BBDB ... 
Updating node: Database Fields ... 
Updating node: Basic Searching ... 
Updating node: Advanced Searching ... 
Updating node: Manual Record Addition ... 
Updating node: BBDB Mode ... 
Updating node: Interfaces ... 
Updating node: Mail Reading Interfaces ... 
Updating node: News Reading Interfaces ... 
Updating node: Mail Sending Interfaces ... 
Updating node: Reader-specific Features ... 
Updating node: Gnus Features ... 
Updating node: Gnus Scoring ... 
Updating node: Gnus Summary Buffer ... 
Updating node: GNUS Subject List ... 
Updating node: VM Features ... 
Updating node: VM Message Summary ... 
Updating node: VM what records are displayed ... 
Updating node: VM automatic setup of vm-set-auto-folder-alist ... 
Updating node: VM snarfing all email addresses ... 
Updating node: VM automatic adding of labels ... 
Updating node: Other Packages ... 
Updating node: Using Message Mode ... 
Updating node: Using Reportmail ... 
Updating node: Using Supercite ... 
Updating node: Using Web Browsers ... 
Updating node: Options ... 
Updating node: Customization Parameters ... 
Updating node: Customization Hooks ... 
Updating node: Predefined Hooks ... 
Updating node: Utilities ... 
Updating node: bbdb-ftp ... 
Updating node: bbdb-print ... 
Updating node: bbdb-snarf ... 
Updating node: bbdb-srv ... 
Updating node: Internals ... 
Updating node: Mailing Lists ... 
Updating node: Changes ... 
Updating node: Major Changes ... 
Updating node: Other Changes ... 
Updating node: The Latest Version ... 
Updating node: The Future ... 
Updating node: Known Bugs ... 
Updating node: TODO List ... 
Updating node: EOL Statements ... 
Updating node: Thanks ... 
Updating node: _ ... 
Updating node: Concept Index ... 
Updating node: Variable Index ... 
Done...nodes updated in region.  You may save the buffer.
Done...updated every node.       You may save the buffer.
Formatting Info file...
Formatting Info file:
Converting bbdb.texinfo to Info format...
Formatting: BBDB ... 
Extraneous text at end of command line.


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