On February 22, [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:
> I have been using BBDB for 6 years and contributing to development for
> over 3 years, and I believe kicking me out was unwarranted (in general,
> removing an old-time developer from a project without his consent is not
> a nice thing to do).  This does not correspond well with the idea of
> _cooperative_ development.

I really do not want to turn this into a flame war on the list. I will
make the following simple points:

1. I have already expressed reservations, on the list, about some of
   the code changes you have made, and your attitude towards the
   cooperative development you are lauding. Cooperative development
   does not mean riding roughshod over the changes that others have
   made. Cooperative development requires communication, especially if
   you're dealing with just-checked-in code that is under discussion.

2. I was unhappy with the change you made because the area was under
   discussion on the list, and had not been resolved. Yes, the patch
   is still there, because taking it back out would be rather dumb -
   it serves a purpose.

3. You may have been a contributing developer for three years;
   however, no changes were made to BBDB for at least one of those
   years - which fact you used to badger me into giving you CVS access
   - and you've only had CVS access for the last year and of that
   you've been a non-contributing developer for months at a
   stretch. This hardly qualifies you as an old-time developer. After
   all, I've been using and hacking the BBDB for at least the same
   amount of time, and I don't consider myself an old-time developer
   since I've only been able to actually get things done to BBDB in
   the last year.

4. I'm quite happy to accept patches from you - and anyone else - via
   email, which I will integrate and merge into CVS if they work
   out. I do not have a policy, unstated or otherwise, of not
   accepting patches due to petty personal differences - my criteria
   are simply "does it not break anything" and "is it useful".

5. If I am convinced that your level of contribution and cooperation
   has improved, I'll regrant your CVS access. That goes for any other
   developer, for that matter, who'd like CVS access. It's a fairly
   standard rule of thumb, as far as I can tell.

And that's all I have to say on the matter.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] / Yes, it /is/ very personal of me.

I really need to reinstate the witty comments, dammit.

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