Jack Twilley wrote :

> Now, I know there's a way to set bbdb such that I don't get asked
> any more about djb@*.scream.org if I set net to [EMAIL PROTECTED] but I
> can't see how.  That's not the bug, although if someone would like
> to mention how, I'd really appreciate it.

I think you just need to (setq bbdb-canonicalize-redundant-nets-p t) -
I was about to dump my bbdb-canonicalize-net-hook on you when I
noticed this in the manual...

> The bug is that when I read another one of his messages, I get asked
> if I'd like to add that address to the record, or failing that,
> create a new record.  If I say no to both, bbdb creates a new record
> anyway.

(I'm not so sure about this, sorry)

Andrew J Cosgriff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 400 bad request

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