On Fri, 3 Aug 2001, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> On August 1, [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:
>> I think I've solved the problem - looking at my .bbbdb file, it has a
>> header
>> ;;; file-version: 6
>> ((((((
>> then the records ["...." ...]
>> ))))))
>> I assume the round brackets shouldn't be there? I've hand edited them
>> out and so far not had a recurrence
>> R
> Right, that would do it. Pretty odd. BBDB temporarily inserts parens
> around the entire database before it reads it in, but that should
> never get saved to disk.
> Waider.

Unfortunately the problem is still recurring, I have a couple of suspects

coding systems, started happending after I inadvertently added a name
containing Chinese characters to .bbdb I was then asked about a coding
system on saving (I think) and the ones containing european accents got munged
e.g. one entry has a second name of 'BN|rger' 
I use gnus (for usenet) and vm (6.95), I haven't seen the problem when
using gnus
Typically I get the error when I try moving backwards in the message list,
or immediately after purging deleted messages
I've tried setting debug-on-error to t but I immediately get errors with
a nil function I assume vm is throwing and catching all the time?
Then there's emacs 21, I'll do some experimenting with my emacs 20 installation

Robert Marshall

BBDB Home Page: http://bbdb.sourceforge.net/

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