On Mon, 15 Oct 2001, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Robert writes:
>  > Is anyone else using cvs bbdb, emacs 21 (pretest!) and vm, with bbdb
>  > built using emacs 21?
>  > 
>  > I've just seen something on the pretesters list about bytecompiling
>  > which could explain this continuing problem, I've deleted all the .elc
>  > files and not (so far!) had a recurrence
>  bbdb-version-date "$Date: 2001/07/08 21:02:00 $"
> I am using VM 6.96, Emacs 21.0.106 and a fairly recent bbdb. The bbdb
> was compiled with Emacs 21 - however, probably with a previous
> pretest.
> Haven't seen anything like what you are describing.

Thanks, I've rebuilt and, at last! the problem seems to have gone away

Robert Marshall

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