I recently upgraded from 2.00.06 to 2.32 and had some
problems with VM integration, so I downloaded 2.33 from CVS
yesterday (8/21) and had a different set of problems.  First
things first.

With 2.33 I started to get prompted to add alternate names
for all the Outlook format names that are Last, First
instead of First Last.  I did not have this problem with
2.32.  I tracked this down to changes in bbdb-snarf in
bbdb-extract-address-component-regexps from 2.32 to 2.33.
It seems the function bbdb-snarf-nice-real-name, was removed
and replaced by calls to bbdb-clean-username.  I changed the
regexp below to in each case call in the form:
(bbdb-snarf-nice-real-name (bbdb-clean-username and things
are nicer.  This seems like the right functionality in this
instance.  I'm not sure if the bbdb-snarf-nice-real-name
functionality should be folded into bbdb-clean-username.
Please do not release 2.33 unless it has the same behavior
as 2.32 in this area.

I'm also having the following problem.  I use the VM
interface and the behavior I want is the VM summary line
should always show the author but the bbdb popup should show
either all authors, or if the message is from me, all the
recipients.  I like this because I can see which messages I
authored, but I know my own contact info, so I'd like the
popup to show the recipients.

There are a few issues here.  I don't think the above
functionality is achievable with the current variables. 
bbdb-get-only-first-address-p will either give me the first
address found in from AND to fields or will give me all
across them all.

I think vm-summary-uninteresting-senders should
be completely ignored by bbdb, instead bbdb's variable
bbdb-user-mail-names should be the only one used.  This was
the case in 2.00.06 and was not the case in 2.32 (where only
the vm variable was used, the bbdb one was completely
ignored) and both are used in 2.33.  BBDB should be
configured with bbdb variables, since it spans different
mail/news programs.  If both are used, then bbdb settings
should take precedence over the specific mailers values
(this is not the case in the current bbdb/vm-get-addresses
where the vm variable is checked first).

Also I have an issue with noticing in this case.  I have a
lot of entries in bbdb-auto-notes-alist which I've left out
below for space reasons.  It contains typical things for
organization, mailer, last-subject, etc.  It seems to me
that these should be applied only to the author of the
message and never the recipients.  E.g., I send a message
with an Organization header of "SilverStream Software", I
send it to 10 people some outside the company.  One of those
people runs BBDB, has bbdb-get-only-first-address-p set to
nil, gets all 10 entries in the popup and more importantly
noticed, so all will have "SilverStream Software" set in the
company field and have the last-subject field changed.  This
seems very wrong to me, you can make an argument about
last-subject because it could be interpreted as "last thread
participated in" as opposed to "last subject authored" but
for Organization seems obvious that it should only apply to
the From addresses.  I'm particularly interested in this
because of the bbdb/vm-auto-add-label stuff I wrote and you
graciously added to BBDB.  It works great to label messages
from someone (that is authors being displayed) or if it's
from me to label messages that go to a set of recipients.

On another topic, I'm interested in being able to customize
the formating of phone numbers.  Instead of (123) 456-7890
which is hardcoded into bbdb-phone-string, I'd like to use
123-456-7890. I know that both can be read on input, but I'm
thinking of formating the output so that I can cut & paste
into my Palm (no I'm not synching yet :-) and have
consistent format there.  I'm thinking of writing a special
purpose format string for bbdb-phone-string that would look
like this:

 %a%A-%e-%s%X %Xx%x             123-456-7890
 %A(%a%A)%A %e-%s%X %Xx%x       (123) 456-7890

It looks odd because it has to deal with the case of an
extension or area code (I think), not being present.  I'm
using the basic %a, %e, %s, %x for areacode, exchange,
suffix, and extension respectively, and the uppercase
versions of those as "if this is present include the next
character), so "%X %Xx$x" means if there is an extension
show a " x" and then the extension. If anyone has comments
on this please let me know.  I had thought this would be
localized to bbdb-phone-string, but in the variable list
below I also see bbdb-dial-local-prefix-alist has an area
code format string and I wonder if it needs to be concerned
with the change or not.

Hope this helps.


Emacs  : GNU Emacs 20.7.1 (i386-*-nt5.0.2195)
 of Tue Jun 13 2000 on buffy
Package: BBDB 2.33

current state:
 emacs-version "20.7.1"
 bbdb-version-date "$Date: 2001/08/03 21:51:00 $"
 bbdb-file-format 6
 bbdb-no-duplicates-p nil
 bbdb-addresses-label-list '("Home" "Office" "Mobile" "Other" "Work" "SF"
 bbdb-after-change-hook nil
 bbdb-after-read-db-hook nil
 bbdb-always-add-addresses nil
 bbdb-auto-notes-alist nil ; elided
 bbdb-auto-revert-p t
 bbdb-canonicalize-net-hook nil
 bbdb-canonicalize-redundant-nets-p t
 bbdb-case-fold-search t
 bbdb-change-hook '(bbdb-delete-redundant-nets my-bbdb-update-mail-alias
 bbdb-completion-display-record nil
 bbdb-completion-type nil
 bbdb-create-hook '(bbdb-creation-date-hook)
 bbdb-default-area-code nil
 bbdb-default-country "United States"
 bbdb-default-domain nil
 bbdb-default-label-list '("Home" "Office" "Mobile" "Other")
 bbdb-define-all-aliases-field 'mail-alias
 bbdb-dial-local-prefix nil
 bbdb-dial-local-prefix-alist '(((if bbdb-default-area-code
                                  (format "(%03d)" bbdb-default-area-code) "")
 bbdb-dial-long-distance-prefix nil
 bbdb-display-fields-order nil
 bbdb-display-omit-fields nil
 bbdb-dwim-net-address-allow-redundancy nil
 bbdb-electric-p nil
 bbdb-elided-display nil
 bbdb-elided-display-fields '(net phones)
 bbdb-elided-display-name-end 48
 bbdb-extract-address-component-handler 'message
"\\(\\(undisclosed\\|unlisted\\)[^,]*recipients\\)\\|no To-header on input"
 bbdb-extract-address-component-regexps '(("\"\\([^\"]*\\)\"\\s-*<\\([^>]+\\)>"
                                             (match-string 1 adstring))
                                             (match-string 1 adstring))
                                          ("\\(\\b[^<,]*\\b\\)\\s-*<\\([^>]+\\)>" 1 2)
                                          ("<\\([^>]+\\)>" nil 2)
2 1)
                               (match-string 2 adstring)
("\\b\\(\\([0-9a-z._-]+\\)@[0-9a-z._-]+\\)\\b" nil 1)
                                          ("\\b\\([0-9a-z._-]+\\)\\b" nil 1))
 bbdb-file "~/.bbdb"
 bbdb-file-remote nil
 bbdb-file-remote-save-always t
 bbdb-finger-host-field 'finger-host
 bbdb-get-addresses-from-headers '("From" "Resent-From" "Reply-To")
 bbdb-get-addresses-headers '("From" "Resent-From" "Reply-To" "Resent-To"
                              "Resent-CC" "To" "CC" "BCC")
 bbdb-get-addresses-to-headers '("Resent-To" "Resent-CC" "To" "CC" "BCC")
 bbdb-get-only-first-address-p t
 bbdb-gui t
 bbdb-hashtable-size 4093
 bbdb-ignore-most-messages-alist '(("To" . "howard\\|silverstream.com")
                                   ("From" . "@silverstream.com"))
 bbdb-ignore-selected-messages-confirmation nil
 bbdb-ignore-some-messages-alist '(("From" .
                                    "MAILER-DAEMON\\|Mail Administrator\\|System 
Administrator\\|Mail Delivery Subsystem\\|postmaster\\|InSync Online")
                                   ("To" .
 bbdb-info-file nil
 bbdb-initialize-hook nil
 bbdb-list-hook '(bbdb-fontify-buffer)
 bbdb-load-hook nil
 bbdb-message-caching-enabled t
 bbdb-mode-hook nil
 bbdb-new-nets-always-primary nil
 bbdb-north-american-phone-numbers-p t
 bbdb-notes-default-separator ", "
 bbdb-notes-sort-order '((notes . 0) (www . 1) (ftp . 2) (gopher . 3)
                         (telnet . 4) (mail-alias . 5) (mail-folder . 6)
                         (lpr . 7) (creation-date . 1000) (timestamp . 1001))
 bbdb-notice-auto-save-file t
 bbdb-notice-hook '(bbdb-auto-notes-hook bbdb/vm-auto-add-label)
 bbdb-offer-save 'auto
 bbdb-phones-label-list '("Home" "Office" "Mobile" "Other" "Work" "Cell" "Fax"
                          "School" "phone" "Pager" "Home2" "NH" "Tel" "Work2"
                          "Parents" "work" "FL" "Apt" "Beach" "NightWork" "Car"
                          "Work (Kate's)" "West End Backstage"
                          "West End Office")
 bbdb-pop-up-elided-display nil
 bbdb-pop-up-target-lines 6
 bbdb-quiet-about-name-mismatches nil
 bbdb-readonly-p nil
 bbdb-refile-notes-default-merge-function 'bbdb-refile-notes-default-merge-function
 bbdb-refile-notes-generate-alist '((creation-date .
                                    (timestamp . bbdb-refile-notes-string-most))
 bbdb-save-db-timeout nil
 bbdb-send-mail-style 'vm
 bbdb-silent-running nil
 bbdb-snarf-nice-real-name-regexp "[._, \n ]+"
 bbdb-use-alternate-names t
 bbdb-user-mail-names "\\(hmelman\\|howard\\)\\(@silverstream\\.com\\)?"
 bbdb-write-file-hooks '(bbdb-write-file-hook-fn)
 bbdb/mail-auto-create-p 'bbdb-ignore-selected-messages-hook
 bbdb/news-auto-create-p nil
 bbdb/vm-auto-add-label-field '(mail-alias vm-label)
 bbdb/vm-auto-add-label-list '("stg" "family" "aix" "team" "isv" "qa" "support")
 bbdb/vm-set-auto-folder-alist-field 'vm-folder
 features '(lisp-mnt emacsbug noutline outline hide-copyleft vm-digest vm-reply
            feedmail vm-sort vm-virtual vm-delete vm-minibuf vm-pop bbdb-gui
            vm-undo mailalias bbdb-hooks vm-page vm-mime vm-summary tapestry
            vm-motion vm-message vm-folder vm-misc vm-easymenu vm-menu vm-mouse
            vm-window lazy-lock eldoc gnuserv clearcase reporter comint ring
            compile dired country-info bbdb-query bbdb-vm bbdb-snarf mail-extr
            rfc822 bbdb-com mailabbrev smtpmail time-stamp sendmail vm-autoload
            vm-vars vm-startup vm-version vm latin-1 byte-optimize bytecomp
            byte-compile rsz-mini which-func auto-show msb rm-tspaces ishl
            timer crypt crypt++ uniquify generic-x skeleton font-lock
            regexp-opt cus-face generic sssw-internal simple-web webjump
            fcolors find-func loadhist s3tab cc-mode cc-cmds cc-styles cc-align
            cc-langs easymenu cc-engine cc-vars cc-defs derived cc-menus spoon
            imenu gnus-util time-date parse-time nnheader mm-util mail-prsvr
            mail-utils advice advice-preload eshell-auto pcmpl-auto mouseme
            thingatpt browse-url backquote w3-auto bbdb-autoloads bbdb mini-cl
            cl cl-19 timezone env fontset ediff-hook vc-hooks lisp-float-type
            dos-w32 disp-table ls-lisp lisp-mode page menu-bar select
            scroll-bar mouse facemenu faces frame romanian slovak czech
            slovenian case-table base64 format mule custom widget)

BBDB Home Page: http://bbdb.sourceforge.net/

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