Hi all,

   I recently upgraded my bbdb to 2.32, and I noticed a significant
lossage for me.  In Kodak we have wonderful e-mail addresses like:
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  I had written a bbdb-create-hook that
would query our LDAP server and fill in the bbdb record with useful
information (like the real name, etc).  However it appears that bbdb
is now trying to do that for me based on the N449433 e-mail address
from which it obtains the eminently useful name 'N' :)

   The annoying part is that it then overwrites the correct
information I provided in my bbdb-create-hook.  The only other place I
could do my work is in the bbdb-change-hook, but I really don't want
to do the LDAP lookup every time a record is changed (often undoing
something I fixed manually), I could add a field when I do my lookup
so I only do the lookup the first time the change hook is called, but
all this seems like a lot of work to fix the fact that BBDB is
overwriting the stuff I provide in my bbdb-create-hook.

   So I would like to lobby that bbdb-create-hook be called after BBDB
is done doing all of it's own record creation.  Thus my code can
choose to either leave the BBDB provided info alone or overwrite it
with 'better' information.

BBDB Home Page: http://bbdb.sourceforge.net/

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