> I'm sorry, but I can't figure out how to set up the feedmail so that I
> can use the example functions you wrote me about. If I type M-x
> "feedmail-s" and tab, it will not complete. Could you please say a few
> words about how to set up these functions? Do I have to modify the
> feedmail.el-file?

There are configuration instructions in the comments at the top of
feedmail.el.  It should be just a matter of setting appropriate
variables in your environment.  It would be very unusual to have a
need to modify feedmail.el itself.

In the particular case of feedmail-spray-via-bbdb, that's not a
function you'd be invoking directly.  Instead, you'd set that up like

  (setq feedmail-spray-address-fiddle-plex-list 'feedmail-spray-via-bbdb)

and (setq feedmail-enable-spray t), and spraying will happen.  The
recipe for how to set up spraying is described in the documentatation
for the spray-related functions and variables, though I'm sure it
takes a little homework and headscratching to figure it out.  Since I
thought most people would only like to do this once in a while, I made
it so you just do the fiddle-plex thing (above) and basically forget
about it.  When you want to spray out a message, type * at feedmail's
interactive prompt and it will temporarily enter spray mode and
reprocess just that one message.

If you've already gone through the config stuff in feedmail.el and
are still stuck, email me directly.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (WJCarpenter)    PGP 0x91865119
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BBDB Home Page: http://bbdb.sourceforge.net/
    • ... Alex Abra
    • ... Sriram Karra
    • ... Sriram Karra
    • ... Rooke, Philip
    • ... Lars Bjørndal
      • ... WJCarpenter
    • ... mmet
    • ... 杭州杭诚专利事务所
    • ... Plesch Andreas

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