On Thu, 6 Jun 2002 22:49:17 +0100 Ronan Waide wrote:

Ronan> On June 3, [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:
>> can the admin please change this list so that only subscribers can
>> post? the spam is annoying as hell.

Ronan> The admin, who has been slack of late (combination of vacation, new
Ronan> job, and broken laptop LCD), is reluctant to do so on the grounds that
Ronan> it raises the entry level for people who'd just like to say
Ronan> "help!". 

And what's about people (like me:) sending to the list from multiple
email accounts (home, work) but are only subscribed once, obviously?  

Ronan> Then again, since you tend to require a PhD in Emacs before you
Ronan> can get BBDB working (unless you use the debian package) it may
Ronan> not be a bad idea.

Well, maybe there is a solution to the problem I mentioned above, but
although I am using bbdb I definitely don't have any higher degree in

Ronan> Anyone care to actually vote on this, 


Ronan> since I got mauled the last time I tried tweaking the list
Ronan> config...

Wasn't me, I swear...

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