On Wed, 18 Jun 2003 10:21:29 -0700 Michael R Wolf wrote:

Michael> A few weeks ago, I requested help for *outbound* auto-create
Michael> to balance the *inbound* auto-create. I find *outbound* to be
Michael> much more useful. [I'm in a business development phase, and
Michael> am sending new mail to an increasing number of new contacts.]
Michael> I'm much more interested in capturing email addresses of
Michael> people I spend time composing a message for than of folks
Michael> whose message I happen to read, however casually. Of course,
Michael> I love capturing inbound email addresses too, even if there
Michael> are too many of them. The problem I found wasn't capturing
Michael> too many inbound messages, rather capturing too few (i.e.
Michael> zero) outbound messages. I started a piece of code, then
Michael> iterated it with Benjamin Rutt to get the following solution.


Michael> How would I make a formal proposal regarding this? And who
Michael> would I follow up with to make sure that it happened?

[...code snipped...]

I'd suggest make it a modification of bbdb [1] and send a patch
against bbdb cvs to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[1] That is, provide the function, some customization, and preferably
    documentation, too. Get it there, I'm sure people will like it and
    help with open issues.

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