On Tuesday, October 14, 2003 at 13:49:35, Ronan Waide wrote:
> On October 14, [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:
> > So I had a look at the archives at
> >   http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?forum_id=6987
> > and
> >   http://www.mail-archive.com/bbdb-info%40lists.sourceforge.net/
> > where just the seconds one does contain my full email-address,
> > but also not in plain text, but broken up into a form ...
> Can you give the exact url where you saw your address? I didn't see
> it on a quick glance through the archives. mail-archive.org is
> usually pretty good about obscuring email addresses.

At the end of each page showing a message there is a REPLY
button and a form storing the [EMAIL PROTECTED] == email address. 


 <form action="/cgi-bin/Nomailto.pl" method="post">
  <input value="oub" name="user" type="hidden">
  <input value="mat.ucm.es" name="host" type="hidden">
  <input value="bbdb to Mozilla (netscape) address book" name="subject" type="hidden">
  <input value="[EMAIL PROTECTED]" name="msgid" type="hidden">
  Reply via email to<br>
  <input value=" Uwe Brauer " type="submit">

> > IMHO there is no need to have the address stored in the
> > from, as a reply should go to the list should come from an
> > subscriber.
> I don't quite understand what you're suggesting here. 

Just omit the form, since replies are only allowed by list
subscribers, so there is no need for giving away the address

> The list runs on sourceforge's servers, so I'm pretty much
> at the mercy of whatever they feel like running
> software-wise. And I don't believe that mailing lists are
> ever correct in stripping information out of the From:
> header.

The stripping works as intended.

> As far as spam goes, you may as well accept for now that you WILL
> receive spam despite your best efforts. 

I know, 

> You can do two things: use antispam software such as
> SpamAssassin,

but after having 150-200 Spammails per day, with 1-3 false
positives a week (which is a problem if your boss sends you
an email and you drop it) I decided to drop all my old email
addresses.  It was not a big deal as I also changed my last
name due to marriage and from that time I only used temporary
email-addresses whenever giving away my address to people I
do not know.   Now I have just 0-2 spammails a day which are
easily filtered manually and no false positives anymore
... before I had 2-10 spammails a day not recognized by SA!

> and consult your local political representative regarding
> antispam legislation.

1 cent for sending one email ... we all know legislation
will solve this ...

> I am very much opposed to taking any technical measures
> which raise the entry barrier for people wishing to
> participate in a discussion.

There is no new barrier, just no form storing the
email-address anymore, so the harvester must be a
subscriber to the list, hunting him may become
easier ... 

Bye Robert

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