Surendra Singhi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Hello,
>   I have just started using bbdb and I want to import the address books from
> Outlook and Netscape t
o bbdb. Is there any existing package/function which allows doing
> that?

I wrote some elisp which might help in importing addresses from Netscape to
One has to first go to Netscape address book and then save the information in
comma separated file format. And then run the function (netscape-to-bbdb) on
And about importing from Outlook, I first imported into Navigator and then
imported into bbdb from the csv file.

Also, there is a Perl script which can import and
writes directly to bbdb file.

I should have commented and documented the code and written certain things in 
a better way, if anyone wants to improve the code or patch it then you are
most welcome to do that.

Is there any "bbdb" menu?
If none, then it should not be hard to write one!!


Attachment: netscape-to-bbdb.el
Description: imports addresses into bbdb from csv file generated by netscape address book

Surendra Singhi

"O thou my friend! The prosperity of Crime is like unto the lightning,
whose traitorous brilliancies embellish the atmosphere but for an
instant, in order to hurl into death's very depths the luckless one
they have dazzled." -- Marquis de Sade

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