Colin Rafferty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Adrian Aichner wrote:
>> Does anyone here keep their BBDB data encrypted on disk?
> I used to, and never had a problem with it.

That's reassuring.

>> I do already have some gpg files which I can load and save nicely from
>> XEmacs, using crypt++.el.
> The two things that you need to do are name your bbdb file .bbdb.gpg
> (or whatever suffix crypt++ uses to recognize gpg), and make sure that you
> have crypt++ loaded before you load bbdb.

Good, that's already the case.

>> If possible, I would not make any obvious beginnerr errors in trying
>> to move/use my bbdb data to/in encryped form.
> I think the easy answer is keep a copy, change your .emacs file, and
> run.  If everything works as expected, you're fine.  If not, you still
> have the backup.

Yup, I have all my stuff under CVS.

Hey, this is working for me already!

Thanks to the encouragement.

Best regards,


Adrian Aichner

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