
On Sun, 06 May 2007 20:38:44 +0200, Aaron Kaplan wrote:
> On Sun, 06 May 2007 16:11:13 +0200, "Luca Capello" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:
>> While I think my original flowchart is still the best option, it
>> implies that emacs is running.  Thus I started thinking about a
>> different solution, where all the steps are executed by the OpenSync
>> plugin.  This means that the plugin should be able to extracts BBDB
>> contacts and then insert them back if modified, maybe performing a
>> backup of the BBDB file and writing into a new one.
> That's what SyncBBDB does.

Oh, I forgot about SyncBBDB, thank you for reminding me about it.

> You have to be careful about the possiblity of a write conflict
> between the sync program and a running emacs: if you have unsaved
> bbdb changes in emacs when you sync, and you save them after the
> sync, you'll wipe out the changes that the sync program made.

Yes, I'm aware of this possibility.

> In its default configuration, SyncBBDB avoids this by using emacs
> client to tell emacs to evaluate (bbdb-save-bbdb) before syncing and
> (bbdb-records) after syncing.  If emacs isn't running, then
> emacsclient fails, but then there's no risk so you can just ignore
> the error.

Well, I'd like to avoid any interaction with emacs, because otherwise
I'd more inclined to code a part of the plugin in elisp.

Moreover, AFAIK you missed one situation: emacs is running, but
`server-start' hasn't been executed, thus emacsclient cannot connect
to the running emacs.

I think that for now I won't care about this point, putting a big
warning about the fact that it's better to save any BBDB changes
before syncing :-D

Thx, bye,
Gismo / Luca

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