I have discovered the biggest problem with BBDB.

One is browsing their mail when all the sudden the spacebar doesn't
seem to work. One hits it several times but the message doesn't seem
to scroll.

One looks down to the minibuffer to find that one has apparently
already given a answer via the spacebar to

  "Change name "Dreamhost Support" to "DreamHost Customer Support
  Team"? (y or n)"

(Well isn't that interesting. Someone has slipped a land mine under
the spacebar, knowing I will tread on it.)

And is now stuck at

  "Keep name "Dreamhost Support" as an AKA? (y or n)"

Well, all I can say is: don't take spacebar for an answer ever,
require a real y/n. And offer another choice "z": edit a name to
become the name for them, no matter how many they come up with in the
future. Empty OK too.

bbdb-version "2.35" on Debian Sid.

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