Robert Widhopf-Fenk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I think about moving the BBDB repository from CVS to BZR and host it
> on instead of

> So what do the other developers with CVS write access think about
> this?

  I'm a bit reluctant to learn yet another VCS. In my lab, we went from
CVS, PRCS to SVN and some of my collegues are starting to use Git. In
XEmacs, we recently switched to Mercurial...

Since I don't know bzr at all, I can't say anything about it. On the
other hand, I guess my usage of BBDB's repo (even as a committer) is
simple enough so that I wouldn't have to dig deep into bzr to be able to
use it.

So in short, I'm not really welcoming this change (although I would
welcome a move to hg) but I'm not strongly opposed to it.

5th European Lisp Workshop at ECOOP 2008, July 7:

Didier Verna, [EMAIL PROTECTED],

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