Christophe Rhodes <> writes:
> I use
> (defun ignore-obfuscated-addresses ()
>   ;; gmane sometimes obfuscates email addresses (while keeping names),
>   ;; which would cause prompting for adding the `new' e-mail address to
>   ;; the existing record for entries in the bbdb
>   (if (string-match "public\\.gmane\\.org$" net)
>       nil
>     ;; launchpad also sometimes associates names with
>     ;; e-mail addresses.
>     (if (string-match "bugs\\.launchpad\\.net$" net)
>       nil
>       ;; otherwise, ask.
>       'ask)))
> (setq bbdb-always-add-addresses 'ignore-obfuscated-addresses)
> for this -- dispatching on the form of the e-mail address rather than
> the group name.  Maybe this is the "better way"?  (I'm no expert on how
> things should be done).
> Cheers,
> Christophe

Ah, that looks much better! I couldn't work out what dynamic variable
was bound with the email address in question...


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