"Roland Winkler" <wink...@gnu.org> writes:

Thanks for your reply and effort put in to developing BBDB! Sorry for
the delay in replying, I was tied up with work recently, without
Gnu/Linux access.

Thanks to the help from here, I have now found the solution solved this
by adding the following line to emacs init.el:

(setq bbdb-message-pop-up nil)

> Updating the info pages is on my todo list. But it's a somewhat bigger
> project. I am sorry for the delay. Volunteers welcome!

>From the discussion it seems there are relatively minor changes in BBDB
3.xx. For my purposes, I will keep learning from the 2.35 manual with
this in mind. I will keep mind the volunteering request, but alas I am
completely inexperienced there as well!

>> bbdb-add-address(es) in the online documentation and set this to nil
>> or 'never.
> Is this a typo? I believe there was never such a variable.

Yes, sorry, this should be bbdb-always-add-addresses as in section 1.7.1
of the BBDB 2.35 manual.

>> Regardless of method, BBDB keeps asking me to add mails! How can I
>> make it stop doing that?
> In which context is BBDB asking you this? When you are reading mail or
> news with Gnus? Also, what do you mean by "adding mails"?  Creating
> new records? Note that bbdb-add-mails refers to adding mail addresses
> to existing records. It has nothing to do with creation of new
> records. (It seems the docstring of this variable could be improved.)

You are right, it should be new records. Each time a new mail sender or
news poster is encountered, BBDB asks to add a record of the unknown
address to the database. This was resolved by setting the
bbdb-message-popup variable to nil.



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