"Roland Winkler" <wink...@gnu.org> writes:

> The doc string of bbdb-pop-up-window-size says:
The doc strings (that's the ones in the lisp code, right?) are good for
BBDB 3.x. It's just that I am used to read the info files to get
up to speed, being a lisp neophyte. But it's a good learning experience!

> The only thing that changed has been the default value.
> It used to be the integer 5 (i.e., 5 lines).
> Now it is 0.5.  I'll be happy to go back to the default 5
> if that's what people prefer (or anything else like 0.324)
The default is fine as whatever. Just pointed it out for documentation
purposes (i.e. when updating the info file, the default value should
also be updated).


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