I was inspired to do a reboot on my git bbdb repo.


I re-converted the old CVS repo, with keywords *not* expanded and uids
translated to proper names.

The branch "upstream" is the result of that process.

That is probably what you'd want to consider for savannah.

I then rebased all my own changes on top, in the branch "master".
This has a mixture of debian packaging material (in debian/) and
changes to bbdb itself (outside debian/).
One of those is including trebb's bbdb-vcard as a submodule, which
you need to populate by the command

  git submodule update --init

The version tags are all on a disconnected tree which includes CVS
keywords, so that they will match the old keyword-expanded pristine
tarballs.  (Which are in turn included, using the debian delta
encoding trick, on the disconnected branch pristine-tarball.)

The old pre-reboot material is still there, because it has tags on it
for releases.  Moving the tags to the reboot would be easy enough, but
they differ by CVS keyword expansion so that could be confusing.  I
put a tag at the tip of the old version explaining that it is dead due
to a rebase.

Barak A. Pearlmutter
 Hamilton Institute & Dept Comp Sci, NUI Maynooth, Co. Kildare, Ireland

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BBDB Home Page: http://bbdb.sourceforge.net/

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