01/07/11 04:59, Michael
> newbie alert!!!  :)
> I have been a long time user of mutt and abook. However, I now
> desperately need something similar to use with openbsd/linux and
> windows!
> A number of years ago, I used Xemacs and VM, but didn't know about bbdb.
> I'm curious if (X)emacs, some mail client, and bbdb would work for the
> 3 different systems.
> Is that too steep a learning curve at one time?
> I have been extremely fond of abook, but since it doesn't work with
> windows, I have to change.

Bbdb as well as the mail clients for emacs (gnus, WL, VM, pick one) are
written in elisp, so are run by emacs. This means that they will work
whenever emacs does, so windows/linux/openbsd is no problem.

Bbdb is quite easy to use, but you might find the mail clients for emacs
a bit confusing. I don't know WL or VM, but gnus is definitely harder to
use than mutt. But if you tried VM and liked it, then go for it.

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