"Roland Winkler" <wink...@gnu.org> writes:

> On Sat Sep 17 2011 Abhi Yerra wrote:
>> Was this patch ever committed? Gnu has my documentation under the name
>> Kesava Yerra.
> I am sorry, it is still on my to-do list. But things are clearing up
> for me, that is, I want to do it within the next days.
> (I am not using bbdb (or any other emacs-related stuff) for dialing.
> In that sense, I cannot comment on the details of your code. If
> you've been using your code in the meanwhile and added whatever bug
> fixes or other changes to it, could you please re-send your patch?
> Otherwise, I'll install the patch you submitted previously.)
> Roland

Thank you. I did not have any more changes to the base
functionality. Though possibly having an sms interface would be quite
nice. I'll see if I can add that in the near future.


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