On 2011-09-26 17:50 +0800, Roland Winkler wrote:
> On Mon Sep 26 2011 Leo wrote:
>> It might be desirable to export a record to a canonical sexp then we can
>> further write the sexp to any other formats such as vcards, xmls etc.
>> For example, the sexp can be a list of elements of the form:
>>     (field parameters value)
> Maybe you can explain in a bit more detail what you have in mind
> here. What would be parameters? How about multiple fields of the
> same type (snail mail addresses and phone numbers)? How to deal with
> values that are lists (organizations, email addresses, AKAs)?

I haven't thought this through. But something like:

(nickname () "jvm")
(phone ((type "home")) "01223 399255")
(phone ((type "cell")) "07899 825396")

(timestamp ((value list)) (20096 21292 563816))
(timestamp ((value string)) "Mon Sep 26 18:26:13 2011")

(photo ((value binary)) "%\211Do^\DXlY\2005^H")


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