On Mon, Sep 26 2011, Roland Winkler wrote:

> On Mon Sep 26 2011 Eric Abrahamsen wrote:
>> While we're on the subject of features that won't be considered until
>> version 3 is finished, if ever 
>> I've been writing a small function to export BBDB records according to
>> an arbitrary text template. I'm running up against the problem that
>> there seems to be no generic "get the value of this field for this
>> record" function. Ie, something like (bbdb-field-value 'mail record) -->
>> "exam...@mail.com". 
> How about bbdb-record-get-field? I just noticed that at the end,
> before throwing an error this function could also try to resolve
> individual note fields (same for bbdb-record-set-field).

Erm, yes, that's just what I meant, thank you. Don't know how I missed

If this happens, it absolutely seems like an export to vcard should be
the first order of business.

Does anyone here know where the vcard export effort is right now? Would
my little scenario outlined above fit in with that?

(I like the idea of a canonical lisp representation of a record, though
I suppose the current struct format is pretty close to that? Haven't
looked at it in detail…)


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