On Tue, Oct 11 2011, Roland Winkler wrote:

> Hello,
> I incorporated a bunch of smaller changes and bug fixes.
> (Thanks to everyone who contributed to this in one or the other way!)
> - Editing and display of names (full names, first-last, last-first)
>   can be customized, see bbdb-name-format and bbdb-read-name-format.
>   If bbdb-read-name-format is fullname, it is possible to edit the
>   first and last name individually via a prefix arg for
>   bbdb-read-record and bbdb-record-edit-name. -- We had discussed
>   here yet fancier solutions based on a separating character such as
>   "}" when names are edited in full. But after I had implemented the
>   current changes for editing names, I thought it's better to give
>   those a try and go from there. Could it be that the current
>   solution is really sufficient?

This looks great, and for my own use-case at least, gets me close enough
to what I was after -- Chinese names can be displayed last-first, and it
doesn't really matter that they display with a (technically spurious)

In my quest to complicate things, would it be possible to:

Set `bbdb-read-name-format' to `fullname'. Then allow the user to put a
comma in the name. `bbdb-read-name' (and/or `bbdb-record-edit-name')
looks for the comma, and if it finds it, automatically sets the
`name-format' field for that record to `last-first'. Then split on the
comma and use the two halves as last-first.

The same thing happens in reverse for editing: the full name is
displayed, but with last name first, and the comma inserted as a
separator. If the user then edits the name to remove the comma, the
`name-format' field is reverted to `first-last', and the new name is
saved in that order: first-last.

Does that make sense? My main goal is to be able to set the
`name-format' field heuristically. It seems like doing it this way would
be much more intuitive and unobtrusive than the "}" hack, but provide
much of the same flexibility.

If this seems acceptable in principle, I can take a stab at a patch.


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