On Mon Oct 17 2011 Eric Abrahamsen wrote:
> In my quest to complicate things, would it be possible to:
> Set `bbdb-read-name-format' to `fullname'. Then allow the user to put a
> comma in the name. `bbdb-read-name' (and/or `bbdb-record-edit-name')
> looks for the comma, and if it finds it, automatically sets the
> `name-format' field for that record to `last-first'. Then split on the
> comma and use the two halves as last-first.

...Yes and no. The comma is customizable. It is the rule
name-last-first in bbdb-separator-alist. I found that having such
rules makes things much cleaner. The approach you suggest appears a
bit orthogonal to this scheme. So I am somewhat hesitant to
implement it.

...Give me some time to think about this. Maybe there is a yet
better solution.

> The same thing happens in reverse for editing: the full name is
> displayed, but with last name first, and the comma inserted as a
> separator. If the user then edits the name to remove the comma, the
> `name-format' field is reverted to `first-last', and the new name is
> saved in that order: first-last.

This appears a bit like a hack to me. -- In a consistent scheme,
removing the comma would not be enough. If the full name is
displayed as "Smith, Joe", the user would hve to replace this by
"Joe Smith".

A little command for setting the name-format field appears more
appropriate to me.


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