I have a working two way sync utility for MS Outlook and Google Contacts (
https://github.com/skarra/Gout/tree/f_tasks). I have rewritten a lot of
that code recently to make it easy to add support for BBDB as a third
datastore provider, so we can do two way sync across any pair of them.

I am new to BBDB internals although I have used BBDB extensively. It
appears to me that there are two important pieces missing that are needed
for incorporating aforementioned sync support:

1. A unique record ID
2. Granular time zone-d timestamp

#1 can be worked around by inserting a custom field; however the granular
timestamp support will have to be built into BBDB so we an easily identify
records that have been updated / deleted / created since a last sync

If I want to make a version 7 of the BBDB file format along with necessary
code changes, what would be the best approach? Any suggestions before I dig
into the BBDB elisp?

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BBDB Home Page: http://bbdb.sourceforge.net/

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