On Sun Jan 20 2013 Elias Pipping wrote:
> URL:
>   <http://savannah.nongnu.org/bugs/?38124>
>                  Summary: infodir does not respect DESTDIR

Thanks. The patch below fixes this for both infodir and tex_dir used
by tex/Makefile.in.

In this context, I want to mention once more bug #37911
configure does not honor --prefix for texmf directory

As a first simple fix, the configure script does not throw anymore
an error if tex_dir does not exist. But how should configure honor
--prefix if by default it uses `kpsexpand $TEXMFLOCAL` to get the
value of tex_dir?  Simply adding the value of --prefix to
`kpsexpand $TEXMFLOCAL` does not appear meaningful to me.

Possibly, a completely different solution would be best. Is there
anybody reading this who can help? Or does anyone know a package
"with a few TeX files" similar to what BBDB comes with so that one
could look at what this package is doing?


2013-01-20  Roland Winkler  <wink...@gnu.org>
        * aclocal.m4: Do not throw an error if tex_dir does not exist.

2013-01-20  Roland Winkler  <wink...@gnu.org>
        * doc/Makefile.in, tex/Makefile.in: Provide the DESTDIR variable.

BBDB is available at
To check it out, use
git clone git://git.savannah.nongnu.org/bbdb.git

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