On Thu Jun 6 2013 Kevin Brubeck Unhammer wrote:
>   bbdb-record-name([nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil [nil nil nil nil nil nil]
> nil])

I cannot reproduce this. Here you have a new record where the cache
is in the wrong element.

> I'm on BBDB version 3.02 ($Date: 2013/05/15 13:17:58 $)

Could it be that you are loading / using some code that is somehow
not up to date?

What does your docstring of bbdb-record-set-cache say?
It should say

  For BBDB RECORD set element 9 `cache' to VALUE.  Return VALUE.

It appears as if you were using a wrong version of this function
that puts the cache into element 8. (This can completely mess up
your database.)

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