On Fri Jun 7 2013 Kevin Brubeck Unhammer wrote:
> I also tried with fairly empty dotfiles:
>     $ cat dotemacs
>     (add-to-list 'load-path "~/.emacs.d/elpa/bbdb-20130526.1945/")
>     (require 'bbdb-autoloads)

This looks like the culprit.
You need to run make to generate the autoloads file (as well as to
compile the lisp code).
In your case, make will throw an error because you still have a very
old file bbdb-autoloads.el that you should first delete.
bbdb-autoloads.el got replaced by bbdb-loaddefs.el
After you deleted bbdb-autoloads.el, make should run fine.

But make sure you do not have any other outdated files either in the
BBDB source directory.

Then use (or use whatever directory you have for bbdb sources)

  (require 'bbdb-loaddefs "~/.emacs.d/elpa/bbdb-20130526.1945/")

>   (require 'bbdb)

You do not need this. Loading bbdb-loaddefs.el is sufficient.

>     $ rm -f .bbdb && emacs -q -l dotemacs

For such a test, I suggest emacs -Q, so you really have an emacs
session that is not affected by local customizations.

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