>> "Roland" == Roland Winkler <wink...@gnu.org> writes:

   > On Wed Nov 27 2013 Joseph Mingrone wrote:
   >> The only piece missing, from my perspective, is that these days
   >> aren't marked in the calendar like they would be for an equivalent
   >> anniversary created in the diary.  Am I missing a function that
   >> could be added to a calendar hook to have these BBDB anniversaries
   >> mark the calendar?

I still do not understand, 

I use 
(require 'bbdb-anniv)
(add-hook 'list-diary-entries-hook #'bbdb-include-anniversaries)

In my 2.35 bbdb version and I do see the anniversaries marked in the
calendar. Are you saying this is not possible in vs 3?

Uwe Brauer

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