On Sun Dec 1 2013 Vincent Geddes wrote:
> I’ve noticed bbdb is now in melpa, which is pretty cool. One small issue
> though, in the current version on melpa (20131116.1130), the PACKAGE_*
> variables in lisp/bbdb-site.el have not been substituted by the configure
> script. This doesn't occur in the latest trunk/HEAD, so I’m assuming that
> another push to melpa will sort it out.

melpa simply renames lisp/bbdb-site.el.in to lisp/bbdb-site.el,
instead of processing it with autotools.  Therefore, on melpa the
respective variables are not substituted.

Fetch BBDB from savannah and build it yourself (not so difficult,
see README) to get properly substituted variables.

BBDB is available at
To check it out, use
git clone git://git.savannah.nongnu.org/bbdb.git

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BBDB Home Page: http://bbdb.sourceforge.net/

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