On 24 Jan 2014, Roland Winkler wrote:

> On Wed Jan 22 2014 Gijs Hillenius wrote:
>> 1) in bbdb, hit 'i', typed 'address', typed 'O', hit tab, got
>> 'Office' hit enter.
>> 2) Typed 'First'(space bar) and got stuck. I can't enter a space,
>> bbdb says [No match]. Entered the address anyway, without the
>> space. Address line 2 ditto, no space allowed.
>> 3) when done, tried to edit address, to add the space. Won't
>> work. Hitting space will result in [Sole Completion].
>> Something in my settings? 
> No, not your fault, but by default the keymap for completing-read
> binds SPC to the command minibuffer-complete-word which is usually
> not what the user expects when running bbdb-read-string.  This
> should be fixed by the patch below.

Yes, it is fixed.

Address completion works beautifully. My test address could choose from
among ten existing "Avenue "'s (including the vital space char). (Did
not test creating an address starting with a number, yet.)


I'd say that is one step closer to making the 'D' in BBDB /seem/ true

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BBDB Home Page: http://bbdb.sourceforge.net/

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