On Sat Mar 22 2014 Sriram Karra wrote:
> When I merge two records in BBDB is there some way I can control
> what happens to specific fields.

Currently the command bbdb-merge-records is what it is (with not
much customization).  But I guess it can be extended in many ways,
including some customization of its behavior.  So far, nothing of
that kind has been implemented.  What would be an efficient
emacs-ish way of doing this?

For example, there could be a user variable bbdb-merge-field-alist
that defines recipes for each field how to merge them when merging

> For e.g. for records that synced to an external datastore I
> maintain an ID as part of the record itself. When two such records
> are merged I want one of them to be dropped and only one retained.

I want to add uuid support to BBDB to uniquely identify records,
which should help, in particular with merging records (as well as
with having multiple database files that get internally concatenated
in a BBDB session).  But whether BBDB uses uuids or something else
with a similar spirit could probably be made customizable, too.

BBDB has various xfields for which plain concatenation is not very
helpful when merging records.  So defining the merge behavior on a
per-field basis would probably be useful.


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