On Sat, Mar 22, 2014 at 10:34 PM, Roland Winkler <wink...@gnu.org> wrote:


> For example, there could be a user variable bbdb-merge-field-alist
> that defines recipes for each field how to merge them when merging
> records.

Agreed. The alist should take a field name - can be one of the standard
field names, or a user defined notes field key and value being can either
be a set of defined symbols (like merge, keep-older, keep-newer) or if it's
a function it will be invoked with the values from the two records and
whatever the function returns will be used for the merged record.

> I want to add uuid support to BBDB to uniquely identify records,
> which should help,

A standard way to ID records would be useful. In ASynK I add a notes field
called bbdb-id for this and assign it a uuid. Regardless of explicit
support for an ID field, I am sure you agree, the merge behaviour can do
with some customisation support.
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