Esben Stien <> writes:

> "Roland Winkler" <> writes:
>> I am a very casual user of org-mode, and I do not know much about
>> org-mode links. What would you like to see in this context?
> Vell, org-mode allows me to link all over the place, like spaghetti. 
> In bbdb, I want to link to the persons org file, where I have stored all
>  kinds of information about that person that doesn't belong in bddb. 
> To also link between bbdb elements is also nice, f.ex to link a person
> to a company or to link to his spouse or any other connection, f.ex

From what bbdb field(s) would you link? Letting just any field have an
org link feels a bit odd to me (org link in the middle of someone's
address/phone/mail?). OTOH constraining it seems like it'd end up
arbitrary whatever you do.

Kevin Brubeck Unhammer

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