Here's the strangest thing I've encountered in emacs for awhile. I just
started a new session, and BBDB still wasn't working. I hit C-x C-b to
list the buffers and it informed me of this buffer:

bbdb 20446 Emacs-Lisp ~/.emacs.d/bbdb

As far as I know, I have no file named "bbdb"---mine is ".bbdb". So I
thought, well, this explains it. A ghost file is loading for some
reason. And indeed, this buffer contains no data beyond a header.

So, I began to compose this post to mention this. I went to the buffer
list again, and saw:

.bbdb 20446 Emacs-Lisp ~/.emacs.d/.bbdb

It fixed itself when I looked away. BBDB is now working perfectly again.

-steven arntson

"Barak A. Pearlmutter" <> writes:

> I've been having similar issues. When it happens I delete the .bbdb
> and *BBDB* buffers and they get reloaded and everything seems okay
> again.
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