"Roland Winkler" <wink...@gnu.org> writes:

> On Mon Jun 23 2014 Steven Arntson wrote:
>> Here's the strangest thing I've encountered in emacs for awhile. I
>> just started a new session, and BBDB still wasn't working. I hit
>> C-x C-b to list the buffers and it informed me of this buffer:
>> bbdb 20446 Emacs-Lisp ~/.emacs.d/bbdb
>> As far as I know, I have no file named "bbdb"---mine is
>> ".bbdb". So I thought, well, this explains it. A ghost file is
>> loading for some reason. And indeed, this buffer contains no data
>> beyond a header.
> This is somewhat strange, but not completely strange.  The variable
> bbdb-file is initialized using a call to locate-user-emacs-file.
> If this finds an old-fashioned file ~/.bbdb, this becomes the value
> of bbdb-file.  If there is no such old-fashioned file, the value of
> bbdb-file becomes ~/.emacs.d/bbdb.  Then the latter file will be
> created by BBDB, if emacs cannot find neither ~/.bbdb nor
> ~/.emacs.d/bbdb.
> The reason for this is that nowadays all such Emacs files should
> reside in ~/.emacs.d/ instead of cluttering your home directory.
> So all this really means that for some strange reason upon startup
> Emacs does not find your file ~/.bbdb.
> The function locate-user-emacs-file is nowadays used by many emacs
> packages.  I'd be surprised if their was something wrong with it,
> though I cannot copletely exclude this either.  If you do find the
> problem to be related to this function, this might be a bug in emacs
> itself.

Maybe the problem lies with my inexperienced directory nomenclature,
where I'm using ~/.emacs.d/.bbdb --- a hybrid between the two options
you listed.

Should I rename ~/.emacs.d/.bbdb to ~/.emacs.d/bbdb  ?

Thank you!

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BBDB Home Page: http://bbdb.sourceforge.net/

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