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On May 22, 2008, at 8:07 PM, Jim Correia wrote:

On May 22, 2008, at 9:35 AM, Matthias Odisio wrote:

I have a directory that is managed both by CVS (with a remote server) and by Subversion (with a local repository). Yes, it's not ideal at all, but that's the setup.

The CVS menu of BBedit is restricted to only Update, Commit, Show status, Export project and Show log, as if BBedit were thniking the files are not managed by CVS. If I try to update, I'm asked for a CVSROOT, whereas the CVS/Root file is pointing to the remote server.

What is going wrong?

As currently structured, BBEdit assumes that a given directory will only be used with on SCM system.

I've logged a feature request so I can relax this restriction/ assumption in the future.

I'm not sure, if I was BB, that I would even consider this... reason: the setup described above, and in the original post, is "not ideal at all," but not at all what CVS or SVN, or PVCS, or /insert SCM here/ expects. Nor, is it any documented, or recommended project management pattern.

To Matthias, I would ask, "Why are you being constrained to one directory?" What is preventing you from have a "work" directory, under which there is a "svn/project_name" and "cvs/project_name" directory? It is an automated build process? What sort of project would want you to use two different SCM repositories.

This is something I do on a daily basis, and if there is something that I can assist with, I only need to know more about what you are doing to provide some direction.

Regards, HTH,

Version: GnuPG v1.4.7 (Darwin)


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