Greg Hemphill <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on Thursday, September 4, 2008:

>responses intermixed below...
>On Sep 4, 2008, at 12:16 PM, Bill wrote:
>>> From what I understand, "Make Backup Before Saving" is now "global
>>> and
>> backups can no longer be made on a per-file basis." (page 228 of the
>> manual). However, you can ugly up your document with Emacs comments
>> (vim user here - no, lets not go to war) to prevent or maybe allow
>> backups on an individual basis.
>Thanks for pointing out the new backup features... read through it.
>Doesn't sound very useful for my case.  I guess they consider this a
>replacement???  Maybe they thought making a single file backups wasn't
>used??? The documentation makes the new feature sound like a bear to
>manage, like they are trying to use it instead of svn or something
>like that.
>I'm thinking the easiest replacement for the old feature is going to
>be using the finder to duplicate a file and rename it for backup
>purposes... shame they got rid of this.

As a web developer dealing with tons of files and multiple simultaneous
projects, we have BBEdit set to keep backups in the folder where the
original document lives. The reason is that our sites typically use a common
framework then are tweaked and modified a bit on a per-site basis. So the
sites have the exact same folder structure and set of filenames. It is not
viable to store these backups in one location, as you would have no clue
which site they came from. Next to useless.

>I'm thinking the easiest replacement for the old feature is going to
>be using the finder to duplicate a file and rename it for backup
>purposes... shame they got rid of this.

That is totally not practical for us, and would be a deal-killer. I have
purchased v. 9 and will be using it, but if there is no way to save backups
automatically to the same folder, I probably won't use v. 9 and instead stay
with 8.

Hope the new search features work well, as that is one thing I use scores of
times/day, maybe hundreds of times, and is why I continue to stay with
BBEdit instead of Eclipse, Coda, or Textmate.


P.S. Before it gets said by somebody, we do have a Subversion server, and
use it.

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