At 19:14 +0100 5/2/09, John Delacour wrote:
>my $word = "something";
>while (<>) { /$word/ or print }

Noting is ever simple.

That would need modification to handle the case there the letters constituting 
$word appear within another "word" that has more characters than $word.

while (<>) { /\W$word\W/ or print }

Is a start requiring that $word be surrounded by two non-word characters but  
will fail when $word begins or ends a line.

There's also the problem that perl's definition of a word character includes 
programming conventions, particularly the underscore.

BBEdit probably does a better job of understanding the OP's actual desires. 
What if he actually wants to include hyphenated instances which include -\n ?

--> From the U S of A, the only socialist country that refuses to admit it. <--

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