On Sep 21, 2009, at 7:04 AM, Jan Erik Moström wrote:

> On 09-09-20 at 23.08, John Delacour <johndelac...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> With varying frequency I copy text from a browser and paste it
>> into a BBEdit document.  If I leave BBEdit idle for too long,
>> it takes several seconds for the application to reawake and
>> these dalys add up to an annoyance.
>> Is there a setting that will prevent BBEdit from dozing off?
> My guess is that has nothing to do with BBEdit but rather with
> OS X. It probably swap out processes that haven't been used in a
> while and then need to bring it back into memory before being
> able to use it.

Which to me sounds like a memory issue. The same thing happens when I  
have 3-4 graphics programs running, three browsers with a dozen tabs  
each, a virtual machine or two running and switch between programs.

Not BBEdit. Not a sleep issue. Not the OS as such, but how memory is  
used allocated and, yes, swapped in and out. If you run top in a  
terminal window and expose the top section where you can see the swaps  
in and out. I'm sure if you read the man file for top, you could  
figure out how to extract just that information. You'll probably find  
that your memory is being swapped in and out.

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