Computing environments change. So must workflows.

I have never been a fan of creator codes - I used to manually change 
them with ResEdit back in the day, and I had an AppleScript under OS X 
to change GraphicConverter JPEGs back to defaulting to Preview. I don't 
have that script around anymore... it wasn't important enough.

Computing environments change. So must workflows. If you want an 
environment where you control every step of the chain, without a doubt, 
then you'd be looking at building your own Unix distro.

Flexibility is a must. I have *never* liked iTunes "organize your music 
folder" functionality, so have always shut it off and maintained things 
myself. Long ago, I used to do the following:

  * Dragged the entire album into a "To Burn to Disc" folder.
    Note this was *not* a burn folder - they didn't exist then.
    (Or if they did, I didn't know about them.)

  * Dragged the entire album into iTunes.

  * Once the folder was full, I'd burn it, then move all the burnt
    albums into their "proper" place inside my master Music folder.

For years, the above workflow worked just fine, because it /seemed/ that 
iTunes was either smart enough to follow the files (likely via inode 
handling) or just plain ol' magic.

In the past year or so (maybe two or three), it stopped working. I had 
5,000 broken tracks in my iTunes that I ended up writing a script to fix 
properly. Why? The following no longer worked:

  * Put album in Folder A.
  * Dragged album to iTunes.
  * (time passes) Moved album to Folder B.

As soon as the file position changed, with iTunes open or not, iTunes 
would lose them. ! symbols abounded. Yeah, it was pretty annoying. My 
entire workflow, that had worked for years, was broken.

I didn't complain though - I don't control iTunes anymore than anyone 
else here does. I didn't lament on some forum about how it sucked and 
incredibly childish and, quite frankly, I'm smarter than that. No one is 
going to respond to ultimatums.

I, instead, merely changed my workflow:

  * Albums are always placed in the master/final location.
  * Albums are then dragged into iTunes.
  * Albums are then dragged into an actual Burn Folder.

In the long-run, the new workflow takes better advantage of the 
technology available (the Burn folder will always keep an update on how 
much space is being used, instead of me having to Get Info all the 
time), and a step is removed because I no longer have to move files from 
A to B when the burn is done.

This is one case of a dozen where I've expected something to work the 
way it does, and it has stopped because something has changed underfoot. 
Could be Apple, could be this app, or that app. Change is inevitable. 
Choice is too - you certainly have a right not to upgrade, but it's 
pretty unlikely that your steadfast refusal is going to change anything.

 > Here is what you can do in any Mac OS <10.6
 > 1) Have HTML documents by default open in your default browser
 > 2) have HTML documents created in BBEdit open in BBEdit
 > 3) Have HTML documents created in FooBarEdit open in FooBarEdit
 > That is simply NOT POSSIBLE in 10.6.

In this particular case, I have to wonder, what are you really losing 
here? In the above example, it appears to be only a double-click. I just 
don't see why a different workflow can't solve the situation just as 
well. One could simply drag and drop the file on the program in the 
Dock, drag and drop it on a command placed on the Finder toolbar, write 
an AppleScript with a keycommand (I think that still works, right?), do 
something similar with "open -a <app> <file>", cmd-click and "Open 
with...", etc.

There are so many *other* avenues with which you can do what you're 
saying above, and so many *users* (new and old) who don't even recognize 
the benefits or the possibilities of the above, that you'd need a far 
stronger example to convince anyone of bringing them back.

Morbus Iff ( insert pithy quote here )
Enjoy: and
aim: akaMorbus / skype: morbusiff / icq: 2927491 / morbus

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